Tuesday, October 23, 2007

2007 Fall Family Photo's

Couldn't have a picture without "Spider or Super Man"

Starr kindly took our fall family photo's this year as she is putting together her first portfolio. She was a great photographer! Anyone interested can check out her work and contact her at http://starrmercer.blogspot.com/

Friday, October 12, 2007

The First Month of Kindergarten

It was quite the month for adjustments:
  • Kyran taking the big school bus all on his own
  • Learning Mandarin
  • Home work EVERY night
  • Not getting his 3 hour naps every day (we have now tried to only have those a couple times a week)
  • Having all new friends and trying to remember their names

    But so far, he has been adjusting well. He enjoys the bus (especially if Mum or Dad can chase the bus down and drive beside him for a quick funny face or a wave). So far, he doesn’t mind the homework (this will change very quickly I would think). He has managed to pick up Mandarin very well. So far can easily count to 10 and knows some colors and standard greetings “hi, how are you”, “thank you”, “bye, bye”, “very well”…etc. This week he started learning basic stroke work for Chinese characters, shapes & textures, color by code, singing high and low tones…. And much more.

    Kyran also got his Chinese name. In pinyin it is spelt Ké Rén (pronounced “ku (as in cut) Ruin”) The teacher picked this for two reasons – one it sounds similar to Kyran’s name and two, the meaning of it is: Good/fine qualities.
    This is the Character for his name: 可仁

Playing before class starts
Proud of his school bus
(Yup, he takes the BIG school bus - him and only 2 other girls....only 3 kids on the big bus, crazy I know!)

Ms. Chow - she's a fantastic teacher!

In front of his locker (they give children in kindergarten lockers these days! I didn't get this privilege until grade 7!)