Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ross has recently taken up fishing. He started with lure fishing and has now graduated to fly fishing. Any spare moment during his work day you can find him somewhere in Calgary fishing. Here is a picture of his first fish - we're so proud of him!
Ross and I just recently celebrated our 5 year anniversary. I came come to 5 dozen beautiful roses - he then took us to the River Cafe in Princess Island Park for dinner - couldn't have been more perfect! Here some recent photo's our family. Kyran is almost 4 years old - and of course, totally into Superman!! We also had a new addition to our family. Our Kitten, is very small and black with some white - Kyran choose to name her Chi Chi. This is my Mum & Doug's "home" - Carey, the kids and I went out for a visit this summer. We had a great time. Took the kids to Centreville, they had a blast.

1 comment:

Starr Mercer said...

Good fishing photo...Ross should take my Dad fishing next time he's in town...maybe even teach Cory (who needs a hobby)!