Friday, May 30, 2008

Yes, I'm pregnant!
Most of you already know that I'm pregnant, we just couldn't keep the excitement to ourselves! My due date is November 4th. I'm currently 17 weeks and feeling great! Kyran is so excited to be a big brother. He waviers if he wants (we will try to find out if we can) a girl or a boy - but either way thinks it's way too long to wait. He doesn't like lean on my stomach cause he thinks it might hurt the baby. It's super cute :)

17 WeeksWe are so thrilled that Kyran is at the age that he understands what's going on. I'm so thankful that I will get to have the one-on-one time with the baby like I did with Kyran since Kyran is now in school.

1 comment:

the Greenaway's said...

You look ultra amazing Kel!!! I'm so happy for you guys and it's nice to hear that Kyran is so excited too!!